Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Drylands

Senior Group Swimmers

Starting June 15th Monday, Wednesday, Friday (45 minutes)

After morning practice.

High School Swimmers (includes incoming freshman):
We will run or ride bikes to BMHS Natatorium (put bags in Vogel's car)
Lift in Pool weight room or strength center (depending on availability) 

Middle School age swimmers:
Will do drylands at Krueger with Coach DeKok same days same time.

Make sure you bring athletic shoes everyday (no excuses)

High school swimmers if you are enrolled in invested athlete, are exempted from team drylands.

Beloit Strong

Thursday, May 21, 2015

KRUEGER POOL SWIM TEAM (Recreation Program)


(Recreation Program)

PROGRAM NAME: Krueger Swim Team

DATE(S): June 15th August 7th

DAYS: Monday - Friday

TIME: 1:00-2:30pm

LOCATION: Krueger Pool

FEES: 85.00

AGES: 5 and up


For all those swimmers interested in recreation swimming, here’s your chance!  Emphasis on

stroke and skill development, plus limited conditioning will be part of this program.  All

practices will be designed for the age and skill appropriate.  Must be able to swim 1 length of

the pool.  Coaches from Beloit Memorial and Middle school programs.

Beloit TIDE Summer Practice Schedule

Starting June 15, 2015

Location: Krueger Pool/High School if weather is inclement.

Times: 13 & Over – 8:30-10:30am in the water, 10:30-11:15am dry-land.

11 & 12 year olds – 10:30-Noon in the water. 

9 & 10 year olds – 10:45-11:45am in the water. 

8 & Under – 11:00 – 11:45, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

** Pre-Senior & Senior swimmers only - also have the opportunity to swim in 

the evening from 5:00-6:30pm.  There is an additional charge to the monthly 

rate of 25.00 per charge per month.

***Only those going into high school or in high school/College can practice twice a day.